Projected speed, closing factor, Brohamer velocity ratings.
Monthly Archives: September 2022
HorseSheets for 9/16
HorseSheets for 9-15
HorseSheets for 9-14
Three reports: by project speed, by closing factor, Brohamer by last race gap velocity. Let me explain that. Bris’s last two points of call range from half a furlong to half a mile. This report estimates the velocity of the last “gap,” or the distance between the last two calls. Don’t know if it’s worth anything yet; just trying it on for size.
HorseSheets for Monday, 9-12
If you’re mad enough at your money to play the Monday tracks, this might help.
HorseSheets for 9-11
Here are the thoroughbred sheets for 9-11. I pulled Pocatello by mistake (LOL) so here it is, too.
HorseSheets for Canterbury, 9-10
Just realized it was a big day at Cby; some of you might be playing it, so here are a couple of reports.
HorseSheets for 9-10: Four tracks, five reports
Projected speed; Closing Factor; Pace averages; Trainer angles; and a new Brohamer type report.