The Daily Racing Form’s handicapping tips

Looking through my handicapping box, I found several articles, which I will share with you. I’m not vouching for their accuracy, although they’re from impeccable sources — just passing them on. This one’s from a series published by The Daily Racing Form a long time ago. But then, horse racing hasn’t changed that much in the last two or three decades.

Daily Racing Form how to handicap

Handicapping tips from Today’s Racing Digest

Looking through my handicapping box, I found several articles, which I will share with you. I’m not vouching for their accuracy, although they’re from impeccable sources — just passing them on. This one’s the first article from Today’s Racing Digest, a “tip sheet” I was introduced to in Southern California and liked immediately. Now it’s available just about everywhere, and covers all the important tracks. You’ll find a continuation of this article at “More handicapping tips from TRD.”

Handicapping tips from Todays Racing Digest

More handicapping tips from TRD